Lahore Kos Minar

Kos Minar, Lahore, Pakistan

Los Kos Minar (Mile Pillars) son una serie de hitos construidos durante los reinados de Sher Shah Suri y posteriores emperadores mogoles. Originalmente, estaban espaciados aproximadamente cada tres kilómetros sobre las principales rutas de carreteras, particularmente la Grand Trunk Road que conectaba Peshawar en el oeste con Bengala en el este (un tramo de más de 3.000 kilómetros). Como los Kos Minar son de diseño utilitario, no se consideraron arquitectónicamente significativos. La mayoría de ellos han sido derribados, desmantelados por sus ladrillos o demolidos de otra manera. Solo quedan unos pocos en el área de Lahore, incluido el Kos Minar que se muestra aquí.

The Kos Minar (Mile Pillars) are a series of milepost markers built during the reigns of Sher Shah Suri and later Mughal emperors. They were originally spaced roughly every three kilometers over major highway routes, particularly the Grand Trunk Road which connected Peshawar in the west to Bengal in the east (a span of over 3,000 kilometers). As the Kos Minars are utilitarian in design, they were not regarded as architecturally significant. Most of them have been torn down, dismantled for their bricks, or otherwise demolished. Only a handful remain in the Lahore area, including the Kos Minar shown here.


Kos Minar, Lahore, Pakistan


Kos Minar, Lahore, Pakistan

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