Sheranwala Bagh Baradari

Sheranwala Bagh Baradari, Gujranwala, Pakistan

El Sheranwala Bagh Baradari es un pabellón de jardín construido por Mahan Singh, el padre del famoso Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Es un baradari clásico, que literalmente significa "12 puertas" en referencia a las tres bahías abiertas a cada lado de la estructura. Algunas fuentes sugieren que fue construido en 1788 a instancias de Sardar Mahan Singh, pero puede haber sido construido al mismo tiempo que Mahan Singh Samadhi (tumba) en la década de 1830.

Se puede encontrar una referencia al monumento en el "Manual del Panjab" escrito en 1883 por John Murray de Londres. Describe el sitio de la siguiente manera (los corchetes a continuación no forman parte del original):

"A 100 yardas al E. [del Mahan Singh Samadhi] está el pabellón de Maha Singh, un hermoso edificio, que ahora se utiliza como sala de lectura y sala de reuniones de los Anjuman de la ciudad. Sobre la puerta está la Biblioteca Babbage, 1871. " Este es el coronel Babbage, hijo de la famosa calculadora ".

The Sheranwala Bagh Baradari is a garden pavilion reportedly built by Mahan Singh, the father of the famous Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It is a classic baradari, which literally means '12 doors' in reference to the three open bays on each side of the structure. Some sources suggest it was built in 1788 at the behest of Sardar Mahan Singh, but it may have been constructed concurrently with the Mahan Singh Samadhi (tomb) in the 1830s.

A reference to the monument can be found in the "Handbook of the Panjab" written in 1883 by John Murray of London. It describes the site as follows (brackets below not part of the original):

"At 100 yards to the E. [of the Mahan Singh Samadhi] is the pavilion of Maha Singh, a handsome building, now used as the reading room and meeting room of the Anjuman of the town. Over the door is 'Babbage Library, 1871." This is Colonel Babbage, son of the famous calculator."


Sheranwala Bagh Baradari, Gujranwala, Pakistan


Sheranwala Bagh Baradari, Gujranwala, Pakistan


Sheranwala Bagh Baradari, Gujranwala, Pakistan


Sheranwala Bagh Baradari, Gujranwala, Pakistan


Sheranwala Bagh Baradari, Gujranwala, Pakistan


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