Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

La distinguida artista Mariam Saeedullah Khan, que estudió arte en varios países del mundo, al ver la última exposición de la obra de Mariam Saeedullah, uno se transporta a un mundo colorido de la imaginación de la artista. Al pintar en el estilo que creó fusionando el trabajo de Mughal Miniature con la japonesa Sumi-e, la artista muestra una serie que es verdaderamente suya.

The distinguished artist Mariam Saeedullah Khan, who studied art in several countries of the world.Viewing the latest exhibition of Mariam Saeedullah's work, one is transported to a colourful world of the artist's imagination. Painting in the style she created melding Mughal Miniature work with Japanese Sumi-e, the artist shows a series that is truly her own.

Su trabajo - Her work

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

Mairam Saeedullah Khan

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