GN Qazi

GN Qazi

El estilo distintivo de Qazi le ha ganado una reputación como artista experto. Ha estado exhibiendo su trabajo en varias galerías de arte alrededor del mundo. Aprovechando la belleza inherente de la arquitectura antigua Sus pinturas tienden a girar en torno a su ciudad natal: Thatta y sus encantadoras fachadas, evoca un mundo imbuido de nostalgia y paz, e intenta preservar los restos de nuestra herencia tangible. Carriles polvorientos amarillos, bazares con vendedores que exhiben precios y viejos 'havelis' con balcones de madera medio rotos son sus temas favoritos.

Las pinturas de técnica mixta que recrean la arquitectura antigua de Thatta, Hyderabad, Sukkur y Karachi son reales y, sin embargo, surrealistas en su ambiente. La textura se crea combinando varios medios y técnicas de pintura, y tanto capas gruesas como gotas de color acuosas se combinan de manera experta en las obras.

Qazi's distinctive style has earned him a reputation as a skilled artist. He has been exhibiting his work in various art galleries around the world. Capitalizing on the inherent beauty of old architecture His paintings tend to revolve around his hometown - Thatta and its charming facades, he conjures a world imbued with both nostalgia and peace, and attempts to preserve the remnants of our tangible heritage. Yellow dusty lanes, bazaars with vendors displaying prices and old 'havelis' with half broken wooden balconies are his favorite subjects.

The mixed media paintings that recreate the old architecture of Thatta, Hyderabad, Sukkur and Karachi are both real and yet surreal in their ambiance. Texture is created by combining various mediums and painting techniques, and both thick layers and watery drips of color are expertly combined in the works.

Su trabajo - His work

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi

GN Qazi


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